Top 10 FAQ

  • How do I save my progress?
  • Game won't load on mobile
  • Can I play on PC?
  • I bought a new phone, can I transfer my progress to my new device?
  • I was overcharged
  • I cannot make a purchase
  • How do we get more coins?

  • How do I permanently delete my account?
  • I can't clear the booster mission, so the game won't proceed.


  • How do I save my progress?
  • Game won't load on mobile
  • Can I play on PC?


  • What is Energy?
  • What are Coins for?
  • What are Gems for?
  • What are Game Items?
  • What are Start-Up Items?

Game Play

  • How do we get more coins?

  • I can't clear the booster mission, so the game won't proceed.


  • I was overcharged
  • I cannot make a purchase


  • I bought a new phone, can I transfer my progress to my new device?
  • How do I permanently delete my account?